Wednesday, February 29, 2012

You Never Know

"No one has ever imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him". (1 Corinthians 2:9).

Imagine the day of Christ comes and you are there with the redeemed, although you may feel it's just you and Jesus.  He comes up to you and with a loving smile says, "I am so proud that you let me use you.  Because of you others are here today.  Let me introduce them to you".

The first was a neighbor who you didn't think even liked you.  "I was watching you", he says, "and because of you I am here".  It's not long before you are surrounded by a circle of souls: some you know, most you don't.  You will probably feel like Paul felt, "I am so proud of your faith".  (1Thessalonians 2:19).

Last night a friend came over for a Bible study with my wife and me.  One thing he said stuck with me.  "I live my life so that people who used to know me can now see that I am different and want what I have".  This tough looking Vietnam Vet bearing scars of this world loves others, and by his life testifies of the love he has for his Savior Jesus.  You never know.

When I was young in my life as a Christian, I was asked to teach a group of boys from across the tracks ages 10-11 that our outreach bus brought in.  They were poor and rough brought up basically like me.  I would find knives in their pocket and they would threaten me at first.  But in time I won them over and we had a good study time, I soon became a role model.

I was being taught Evangelism Explosion, a witnessing program that was to enable me to present the gospel to people.  So, I felt a good place to start was with the parents of my boys.  I asked Joey if it would be okay with his dad, Joe, a rough truck driver and single parent, if I came and talked with him.  Eventually we set up a time for me to meet his dad.  After introductions, I began to present the gospel to him.  He was very nice, but his eyes were glued to the television.  I decided he was going to hear the gospel one way or another, so I would move my chair between him and the television.

I got through and asked him to pray the sinner's prayer with me.  He wouldn't say a word but I prayed anyway.  The next Sunday Joey ran up to me so excited.  I thought this is great, I got through to his dad after all.  Joey looked at me with tears in his eyes and told me that he had listened to everything I had said to his dad, and believed and prayed the sinner's prayer.  With me.  He had talked to the pastor and was going to be baptized that morning. He wasn't the only one with tears in their eyes.  He smiled and said, "Teacher, I am a Christian saved by Jesus".

I don't know whatever happened to Joey, I just hope Jesus let's me see him in heaven and says to  me," I'm so glad you let me use you".  Joey and I will meet with smiles not tears.  And Joey will say, "Because of you I'm here," as we rejoice with our Savior:

"You Never Know"

Bill Clay   Phil Davis   Max Lucado

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Counterfeit Heart

Since the hedonist has never seen the hand that made the universe, he assumes there is no life beyond the here and now.  He has no concern for the eternal for he is more concerned about satisfying his passions than knowing God.  In Romans 1:21-22 Paul says, "Their thinking became useless and their foolish minds were filled with darkness.  They said they were wise, but they became fools".  Something was wrong with their hearts.

The incomplete joys of this world will never satisfy the heart.  When you loose your ultimate source of meaning and hope, it breaks your spirit.  You end up living in "spiritual adultery", which is loving and desiring something more than God".

The problem with living that way is when you die, your hope perishes; all you expected from your life comes to nothing.  However taking the right path leads to immortality.  But, since your sin has separated you from God, He has hidden his face from you and will not hear.  Justice is far from you and righteousness does not reach you, you look for light but all is darkness and you walk in deep shadows.

One day the music will end and you will realize that the music of the world is not enough.  You go looking for much more to fulfill your life.  Know that God is searching your heart and knows if it is counterfeit.

God, in His great mercy can give you a new hope; a living hope. What He has for you will never perish.  It's a new life in Jesus Christ.  Though you have not seen Him, you will learn to love Him for what He did by shedding His blood on the cross out of His outrageous love for you.  What a priceless gift, you are save by God's grace through faith and trust in Jesus, who gave up everything for you.  Even angels long to look into these things.

You need to prepare your heart for action and set your hope fully on the grace to be given to you.  Do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance.  Run to Jesus asking Him to forgive you and to give this new life to you because you love him and believe He died for you.  By Jesus' blood you are reconciled if you mean this with all your heart.

"All men are like grass and all their glory is like the flowers of the field, the grass withers and flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever".  (1Peter 1:24-25).  Do you really believe in Jesus and love Him?  Or do you seek Him with a

"Counterfeit Heart"

Max Lucado   Proverbs 11   Isaiah 59   Matt Redman   Jeremy Riddle   1Peter 1
Tocqueville 1870   Timothy Keller   Chris Rice

Monday, February 27, 2012

God's Expectations

God's word tells us plainly what He requires of you; seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8)  When you break that down it means to have a true walk with God, you must seek to help the poor and oppressed out of the mercy of your heart.

Proverbs 22:2 says that God made the rich and poor; they are alike in His eyes.  Is there a Biblical precedent that would say we are to help the poor who don't want to become Christians?  Yes, in one word, "God".  God's goodness is spurred by His nature, not by our worthiness.  God doesn't give you only what you remember to thank Him for.

God's thoughts are not like ours, neither are His ways our ways.  By doing good to all people, you will go out in joy, and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you.  O, Your love is a symphony my Lord.

If you are trying to please men, then you are not a servant of Christ, for God does not judge by external appearance.  You should serve your brothers in love for the Bible says, "Love your neighbors as yourselves".  You can make your life beautiful by serving God as you serve the poor and oppressed.  Doing anything else is just going through the motions of self righteousness.

Jesus does not show favoritism; He wants you to seek justice for all men.  If a man comes into your meeting wearing gold and fine clothes and another comes in wearing shabby clothes, do you discriminate against the latter?  Do you give the rich man the best seat and sit by him, while telling the other to just stand there?  If so you indeed have discriminated among yourself and become a judge with evil thoughts.  God has chosen the poor of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom He promised them.

Let's suppose a brother is without clothes and food.  If you say I wish you well but do nothing about his physical needs, what good is it?  Like when faith by itself is not accompanied by action, is dead.  A man is justified by what he does, not by faith alone.  As the body without the Spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.

So what does my Lord require of me; but to serve my brother justly out of my love of mercy, and by doing so, walk humbly with my God.  God is love, but God is also just.  These are:

"God's Expectations".

James 2   Galatians 5  Jeremy Riddle   Max Lucado   Proverbs 8   Isaiah 56
Francesca Batistelli   Matthew West

Friday, February 24, 2012


"Christians actually do have within us a portion of the very thoughts and mind of Christ". (1Corinthians 2:16).  How could we ever have the hope of having the heart of Jesus?  If you are in Christ, you already have the heart of Christ.  If you have given your life to Jesus, He has given His life to you.  As Paul says in Galatians 2:20, "Christ lives within me".

All Christians know how courageous Jesus was on His way to death on the cross.  And He says to us, "Pick up your cross daily, and come follow me".  We were made to be like Jesus.  So, where are you men of courage; hiding out by a television, a hobby, a job, or just plain laziness and non-caring.  Does your heart need to reignite its passion and your fighting spirit need an overhaul? Shout out, "Lord give us brave hearts" so we can serve You.  Give us hearts that beat to praise You.  That's what God wants to hear from us.

God holds victory in store for the upright, He is a shield to those who are blameless, and protects the way of His faithful ones.  Let love and faithfulness never leave you and write them on the tablet of your hearts.  And you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.

If you will just wake up and clothe yourselves with strength, He will put His words in your mouth and cover you with the shadow of His hand.  And all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.  For by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ He will transform your lowly bodies so that they will be like His glorious body.  Now that's exciting!

Oh Lord we thank you for the cross:  Now we are ready to bear ours daily.
We thank you for the pain you endured:  We will suffer ours for You.
What a priceless gift You gave by your grace.  We, by your grace, will follow You.
You called us out of death, and into life we will live for You.
You broke the chains that held us in our shame.  We are free to do Your will.

Jesus to You my heart I do give, and this I ask of You--Make it by Your grace:

A Braveheart.

Oh, my soul.

Proverbs 3   Jeremy Riddle   Isaiah 52   Hillsong   Big Daddy Weave   Max Lucado
Casting Crowns   Luke 9:23

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I Can Only Imagine

We live in a world that offers only a false rest and there are many that will urge you to find happiness here; but you will not ultimately find it.  Guard yourselves against thought patterns like; joy is only a diet away, a new job or transfer, a marriage or a baby.

Now, whatever it means to you, imagine a perfect world.  You want peace, envision absolute tranquility; would it be joy you are after, and then create your highest happiness.  Would your world have love, then think about a place that love has no bounds.

Think on this:  "No one has imagined what God has prepared for those that love Him".  Jesus, right now is putting together your place in His Father's house.  He wants you close by.

Whatever happiness you find in this world will soon slip away in a whirlwind of disaster when distress and troubles overwhelm you.  Ultimately being swallowed up by death and the grave.  The final event will be devastating if you have never reached out and took hold of the saving hand of Jesus.

He is only a breath away.  He will awaken you morning by morning to "open the eyes of your heart" and give you ears to listen to the heart beat of His teachings.  You will learn the truth which will live in you and be with you forever.  His commandment is to walk in love; love for Him and one another.

I wonder what it will be like when I meet Jesus face to face.  Will I jump for joy or in His presence fall on my knees and be still?  In awe of His beauty, will I be able to shout "worthy is the Lamb" as I reach out with trembling hands to take hold of Him for eternity; or simply whisper, "I love you Jesus"?

I can only imagine!

Max Lucado   Psam 146   Isaiah 50   Proverbs 1   2nd John 1
Twila Paris   Mercy Me

My prayer is that I may be able to sing this song when I see my Savior.

"Worthy is the Lamb"
By Hillsong

Monday, February 20, 2012

God's Enduring Love

We want to know how long God's love will endure.  Not when everything is all right in our lives, but when our actions are not pleasing to Him.  Can anything separate us from the love Christ has for us?  The bible says that, "Nothing in this whole world will ever be able to separate us from His love".  To prove it God became flesh and dwelt among us.  He placed His hand on our shoulders and said, "You are something special".  What an awesome God we serve.

You can believe that God made us and we are His.  He wants us to "enter His gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise".  He just wants to be with us so He can show us love each day; there is no one like our God.

We should lead a blameless life, for if we displease Him by just going through the motions, we cannot dwell in His house or stand before him.  If we let Him, He is ready to take hold of us and the mighty One will do great things for us.  If we are having problems; run to Jesus.  Spend more time with Him in prayer and bible study.  Seek fellowship in a church of unity and people who love you as well as Jesus; you will find great comfort with this.

Paul said to the church at Philippi, "To make my joy complete by being likeminded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose".  We need that kind of fellowship.  Our attitude should be same as that of Christ Jesus, who took on the very nature of a servant.  We should do everything without arguing or complaining, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God.

Even in our weakness, Jesus loves us with an outrageous love that will endure forever.  He will never let go and will pull us through, as we continue in prayer-bible study and fellowship at a local church of likeminded believers in Christ Jesus.  O, how He loves us!

Philippians 2   Psalm 101   Phil Wickham   David Crowder Band   Isaiah 25   Max Lucado 
Romans 8:39   Luke 1   Matthew West Chris Rice   John 1:14 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

A Total Eclipse of the Heart

Do you find yourself walking in the dark, and something is telling you that forever starts today?  You need something to fill that void in your heart.  You dwell in the fog of the lowlands with no vision of your Creator.  You know you have a need to turn about and change; you don't want your epitaph to read, "This world is the limit of your horizon".

Do not put your trust in mortal men, when their spirit departs they return to the ground all they have said turns to nothing.  Put your trust in the Maker of heaven and earth.  The One who can open the eyes of your heart.  He has not spoken in secret from somewhere in a land of darkness.  Before Him every knee shall bow; every tongue confess that He is the One.

Jesus says, "You are the ones who justifies yourselves in the eyes of men, but God knows your hearts.  What does He see when He looks into your heart today:  the spirit of man or the Spirit of God; they speak from the view points of the world".

Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.  This is how God showed His love among us:  He sent His Son into the world that we might live through Him.  If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in him and he is in God.

Seeing Jesus is what Christianity is all about.  Christian service in its purest form is nothing more than imitating Jesus.  Who are you listening to:  yourself, other people, or the Spirit of the most Holy One?

There you are standing in the dark, and you turn around knowing this day will last forever and you need Him more than ever.  He will be there to make your life beautiful: always holding you.  If you reach out to Jesus, He will pour out God's powerful grace on you and you will have:

"A total eclipse of your heart"

God, because of His outrageous love, and by faith and trust in His Son, just gave you a new heart.  He accepted you as His child just as you were, and lifted you into the heavenlies!  Now you are His and He is yours.  He did for you, what you couldn't do for yourself.  God became man to rescue all souls.  He became flesh and dwelt among us.  Now, He is waiting on you to become His child.  Turn around and take His hand, He is waiting on you.

Psalm 146   Francesca Battistelli   Isaiah 44   Max Lucado   Selah   Luke 16   1John 4 
John 1:14   Bid Daddy Weave   Bonnie Tyler 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What's Love Got to do With It?

God is at His deepest being "all love".  Then loving relationships with others is at the center of reality.  WIthout love for each other, we engage in self-centeredness and destroy the fabric of what God has made.  

It is the power in which we move and flow and derive life, love, and spiritual power.  In Acts 17:28, Paul says,"We move and live and have our being in Him," and so we see that absolute love for others is a commandment of Jesus.

Your life is like a breath; like a fleeting shadow, so if you are having problems with loving others, its time to ask God to "Part the heavens and come down" and show you the way you should go.

God is the One who says that He will take hold of your right hand and tell you not to fear for He will help you.  And we need His help because loving others can be a difficult proposition; especially maintaining that love.

God's word tells you not to love the world for if you do, the love of the Father is not in you.  "The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever".

You might admit that loving others often ends in hurt, and you don't want to be hurt anymore.  Why not just live for yourself and not love anyone?

"To love at all is to be vulnerable.  Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken.  If you want to make sure of keeping intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even to an animal.  Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries, avoid all entanglements, lock it up safe in your casket or coffin of your selfishness.  But in that casket-safe, dark, motionless, airless-it will change.  It will not be broken, it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable".  (Quote by C.S. Lewis)

So, what's love got to do with it?


Psalm 143, 144   C. S. Lewis   Isaiah 42   Timothy Keller   I John 2
Tina Turner

Father, I've always believed in You and Jesus, but my heart's most fundamental trust was elsewhere in my own competence and decency.  This has gotten me into trouble.  As far as I know my heart, today I give it to You, I transfer my trust to you, and ask that you would receive and accept me not for anything I have done, but for everything Jesus has done for me.  (Prayer by Timothy Keller.)

Monday, February 13, 2012

My Prison

Why are you crying these days?  Are you reaching out for something but you don't know what?  Has all the adventure gone from your life?  You try prayers but they are timid, shallow and hollow, and you are in desperate need.  You lift up your voice to the Lord and cry out for mercy.  You are unhappy with your life and nothing satisfies you.

You are locked up in your own prison.  You remember how happy you once were and you want that feeling back.  Out of prison and back in the will of the Father is where you need to be.  God says to not fear for He will help you.  He gives strength to the weary when you stumble and fall.  God says, "Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles: they will run and not  grow weary, they will walk and not grow faint".

Are you tired of living like a turkey, searching for acorns on the ground, while others soar on eagle's wings far above the earth?  God will free you from your prison and give you wings to fly if you will seek His face.  But you have drifted so far from the truth, that you feel you can't find it in your heart.

Its time to get off your feet and on your knees and cry out, "Hold me Jesus, deliver me from this darkness inside of me".  Realize that yesterday's gone and there is a new day just waiting on you.  Pray for forgiveness and He will restore you, for you will never be happy outside of God's will for your life.  He will take you by your right hand and lead you out of your own prison, away from all the turkeys in your life.

What you need is to restore fellowship with the Father and with Jesus.  Also fellowship with others who soar like eagles is very important.  If we walk in the light, and He is the light, we have fellowship one with another, and Jesus who purifies us by His blood shed for us.  Now if we say we do not sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.  But if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us and purify us from all unrighteousness.

Don't settle for a second rate life; there is a rawness and wonder about it.  Listen to the voice of adventure, God's adventure, and build a fire in your heart.  Go ahead and make a difference:  teach that class, tell that friend about Jesus, and follow God's impulses.

You will find yourself flying like an eagle, but most of all:
Jesus will come and lead you out of "your own prison".

Psalm 141   1John 1   Big Daddy Weave   Isaiah 41   DC Talk    Rich Mullins
David Crowder   Robbie Seay Band   Max Lucado   4Him   Jaci Velasquez
Among the Thirsty   Tenth Avenue North

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Lost in Love

Love bade me welcome; yet my soul drew back.  I felt the guilt of shame.  Love noticed my fear and doubts; not feeling worthy to be here.  Love said, "You are welcome here."  I the unkind, ungrateful, I cannot look on thee.  Love took my hand, and smiling said, "Who made the eyes but I?"  That is true Lord, but I have marred them, do with me what I deserve.  And not get to know you, says Love; it was I who bore the blame.  It was then I was lost in Love and sat at His feet, and said I will serve.

This translation of a poet in the 16th century says it all; Love came to me.  Jesus took my suffering on Him and felt my pain for me.  He called me out of death and into undeserved life.  I was under His wrath because of the sin in my life, now through His blood shed on the cross I am reconciled.  So lost in love for this priceless gift.

Through His Spirit He speaks to me, and my heart trembles at his words as He promises to watch over me.  My help comes from the Maker of heaven and earth.  Jesus said, "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body, fear him who after the killing of the body has power to throw you into hell."  But with Jesus as my Savior, I do not fear.  I put all my faith in my deliverer.

Know the Lord for all that you do from the least to the greatest.  I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.  It was Jesus who paid the price as He was crucified.  Love bore the blame for me.

Now there is one thing I ask of Jesus:  that I may dwell in His house all the days of my life to gaze upon His beauty and seek His face.  For in the day of trouble He will keep me safe in His arms.  Hold me Jesus.  Oh what Love He has for me:  He lives inside of me by His Spirit.  So I can reach for Him anytime.  All He did He did for me.  What a precious Savior, no wonder I'm so:

"Lost in Love"...

Translation of a poem by George Herbert   Big Daddy Weave   Psalm 27, 119, 121
Luke 12   Isaiah 35   David Crowder Band   Hebrews 8  Jeremy Riddle

The Way of Holiness

Which way do you find yourself walking these days?  Are you fearful and indecisive about where you are going and finding yourself in the midst of trouble not known?  God is with you and if you give Him a chance, He will fulfill His purpose in you.  Where can you go from His Spirit, which way will you run?

Are you walking down a "lost highway" leading you nowhere?  God has a highway built just for you.  When you decide to walk with Jesus that highway will be there.  It's called the Way of Holiness.  The lost will not journey on it:  only the redeemed that walk in that Way.  It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

God demands that you be Holy and separate yourself from the way of the world; walking in a way which is worthy of the Holiness of Him.

Those that choose to follow Christ are destined to bear his image becoming the sons of God.  The marks of the passion, the wounds of the cross, have now become the marks of grace in the body of the risen and glorified Christ.  Galatians 2:20, Philippians 1:21, for me to live is Christ.

He is the only "pattern" we must follow.  Since because he lives His life in us, we too can:

Walk even as He walked  (John 2:6)
Do as He has done  (John 13:15)
Love as He has loved  (Ephesians 5:2)
Forgive as He forgave  (Colossians 3:13)
Have this mind which is also in Christ Jesus  (Philippians 2:5)

It is only because He became like us that we can become like Him.  "Be you therefore imitators of God, as beloved children."  (Ephesians 5:1)  In other words:

Get on the highway called the "Way of Holiness."

MercyMe   Tenth Avenue North   Psalm 139  Isaiah 35   Hank Williams, Sr. 
Rich Mullins   Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Complete Assurance

Do you live in complete assurance that you are saved by grace and you are eternally alive in Christ?  It takes a lot of faith in Jesus to feel totally secure, "For by grace you are saved through faith--and not of yourself, it is the gift of God--not by your works can you boast."  (Ephesians 2:8-9)  Only if you rely on the righteousness of Christ alone can you have complete assurance:

Praise be to God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.  In His great mercy He has given new birth through a living hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil, or fade: kept in heaven for you who through faith are shielded by God's power. 

"We must go beyond the limits of our comfort zones.  Our 
faith is activated at these times when we walk into the unknown."

The believer lives through His grace acquitted before the judgement seat.  He is totally delivered from all his sins and is righteous before God because of His loving kindness and His love.  He embraces me just as I am.  He has a good conscience, and knows that He is walking in God's ways and doing His will.  He is preserved by His grace and can sin no more.  Death cannot harm him, for he has eternal life like all the angels of God.  If God be for us, who can be against us?

For I know Jesus and am persuaded that He is able to do that which I have committed unto Him against that day.  I have complete assurance in Him who loves me and gave His life for me.  Without assurance of salvation, one cannot truly know God.  "And this is life eternal, that they might know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.  (John 17:3)  With complete assurance, "You can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens you."  (Philippians 4:13)  It will make you bold and courageous!

"Warriors on the front line, instead of watchers on the sideline."

Kohlbrugge   M.S. Lounder   2 Timothy 1:12   Big Daddy Weave   MIKESCHAIR   Casting Crowns

You Called Me Brother

Suppose someone has enough to live and sees a brother or sister in need, but he does not help.  Then God's love is not living in that person.  (1 John 3:17).

The needy look to their right, then look to their left and believe there is no one concerned about them.  God says that we should uphold the cause of the oppressed and give food to the hungry.  Jesus taught that life is more than food and clothes.  He said, "Do not set your hearts on these things, for the Father knows what you need and not to worry about it".  Rather seek His Kingdom and these things will be given to you.  Sell what you don't need and give to the poor.  For where your treasure is there your heart will be also.

Make every effort to live in peace with all men; not considering anyone beneath you.  You may ask, "What does the Lord require of me?"  God's word says you're to do three things:

Seek justice, love mercy, and walk humble with your God.  (Micah 6:8)

Seeking justice is that in our society, we strive to put no one below what are considered equal; treating everyone the same and lifting up the poor and oppressed.  Therefore, showing a heart that loves mercy, you walk humble with your God.

Keep on loving each other as brothers, and entertain strangers for some have entertained angels without knowing it.  Keep yourselves free from the love of money, and be content with what you have, because God has said,

"Never will I leave you;
Never will I forsake you."

Therefore, through Jesus offer a sacrifice of praise continually, and confess His great name.  And do not forget to do well and share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

Tolstoy, the great Russian writer, was walking down the street and approached a beggar.  He wanted to give the beggar some money, but his pockets were empty.  He turned to the man and said, "I'm sorry brother, but I have nothing to give," the beggar brightened and replied, "you have given me more than I ask for:

"You have called me brother".

Natalie Grant   Psalm 143   Isaiah 40   Luke 12, 13   Hebrews 12, 13   Max Lucado
Leo Tolstoy

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Perfect Storm

When you lose your ultimate source of meaning and hope--it breaks your spirit.  The incomplete joys of this world will never satisfy your heart.  Do you feel that raging storm inside wanting to pull you in?  Disaster comes and the waters rise causing your faith to be replaced by fear; when you wake up and feel the storm.  Life isn't perfect and the evil one will test your faith.  You will feel like everything is falling apart, you will have doubts about your salvation.  You will be convicted of the sin in your life; you don't know if God is real in your life.

Somehow you have got to realize, Jesus is in the eye of the storm, breaking through the clouds reaching out for you.  Can't you hear the thunder of His voice?  He will be your shelter from the wind and a refuge from the storm.  Just open the eyes of your heart and you will see the King and His beauty, for it is Him that will save you.

Have you hidden His word in your heart; do you seek His face and not just His hand?  You have to be careful less you drift away.  In confusion you will face the darkness feeling alone and you will feel fear.

This is where Jesus enters the perfect storm.  He called you out of death and into life; now through Christ you are reconciled by His crucifixion on the cross.  How great is His redeeming love.  He sank into that ultimate storm so that you would not fear any storm in your life.

You should see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and honor because He suffered death, so that by the grace of God, He might taste death for everyone.

Fix your thoughts on Jesus and when you hear His voice, harden not your hearts.  You won't realize Jesus is all you need until Jesus is all you have.  It is one thing to believe the love of Jesus, and another to work it deep into your heart so it affects all you think, feel, and do.  You can enter into God's rest because Jesus went through the perfect storm so you wouldn't have to.  So find out what God's will for your life is, and do it!

"We will glorify the King of Kings, we will glorify the Lamb.  He is the great
I am".

Bid Daddy Weave   Jeremy Riddle   Isaiah 35, 36   Psalm 118, 119   Timothy Keller
David Crowder   Tocqueville 1830   Hebrews 2,3   Francesca Batastelli   MIKESCHAIR
Rich Mullins   Twila Paris

The Sure Foundation

In these days God has spoken to us by his Son Jesus, whom He appointed heir to all things, and through whom He made the universe.  Jesus is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of His Being, sustaining all things by His powerful Word.  After He had provided purification for sins, Jesus sat down at the right hand of God, the Majesty in heaven.

It was in the beginning; Jesus laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of His hands.  You, who are far away, hear what He has done, you who are near your God, acknowledge His power!  For Jesus will be the sure foundation of our times.

Your eyes will see the King in His beauty and there should be no fear now, if your feet are planted on  the Rock of His foundation, and you take Him at His word.  The works of God's hands are faithful and just, and He is gracious and compassionate.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and good understanding.  Even in the darkness when you are afraid, and have a raging sea of doubt in front of you, ready to give up and say, "I'm not good enough.  I'm at rocks bottom," Just cry out, "hold me Jesus, come fill up my heart".  He will come to you and there will be no fear in you.

Surrendering to Jesus is not a natural thing.  Instead of taking Him at His word you have been trying to make it on your own, which will lead to frustration and doubt.  Just trust in His great name and there will be no fear and your heart will be secure in Christ Jesus.

Well, where do you go from here?  Jesus said, "If anyone would come follow Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily".  Give Him all that you are and cry out for more.  You owe Jesus your life: and you are in better hands now.

You are on the sure foundation and can sing out:

"When Christ shall come with trumpet sound,
O, may I then in Him be found.
Dressed in His righteousness alone,
Faultless to stand before the Throne".

Jesus is the "Solid Rock" of my salvation.

Psalm 110-114   Isaiah 33   Natalie Grant   Norman Bebo   Luke 9   MIKESCHAIR
Francesca Battestelli   Hebrews 1   Aaron Shust   Rich Mullins  
Hymn Solid Rock

Sunday, February 5, 2012

I Believe

I believe in God the Father who through His Son Jesus created the heavens and the earth.  I believe that Jesus came in the flesh to dwell among us.  He was conceived by the Holy Spirit; born of the Virgin Mary.  I believe that he suffered and was crucified on the cross to pay my sin debt, and reconcile all things unto Himself.  I believe He died, was buried, and on the third day he was resurrected.  I believe He ascended into heaven where He sits at God's right hand.  I believe that He is coming again to judge us by His great name.  I believe that if I call out to Jesus and accept Him as my Savior; by God's grace and my faith and trust in Jesus alone; He will grant me eternal life.

What a priceless gift:  He called me out of death into life through Christ crucified.  He showed that God is love but is also just.  Thank you Jesus for awakening my heart and showing me what I can be now that my sin debt has been paid.  You sent the Holy Spirit to live all around and in me; to guide me.  Oh, what outrageous love you have for me.

With my mouth I will confess you before others and praise Your Holy name.  I was saved by Your great hand and You have done everything for me.  I believe I will see the King and all His beauty.  I hear God's word and put it into practice because of His great love for me.  I devote myself to prayer and the study of His great word that I may stand firm in doing the will of God.

I believe in the Holy Church of God where I can fellowship with like minded believers, being taught and encouraged by them in unity.

I believe in telling others about Jesus who is my great hope.  I believe in praising and worshiping my King.  I am not ashamed but bold.

"I believe what I believe".

Psalm 108, 109   Isaiah 31, 32  Switchfoot   Rich Mullins   Luke 8   Jeremy Riddle  
Francesca Battestelli   Colossians 4   Natalie Grant   Jeremy Camp
John 1:14

Thursday, February 2, 2012

This is the Way; Walk in It

Consider for a moment your thoughts as seed; some become flowers, others become weeds.  You can sow seeds of hope and enjoy optimism, or sow seeds of doubt and expect insecurity.  Our thoughts have a grip on your walk with God.  If you are not being led by Jesus, you cannot know what the will of God for your life is.  That is the biblical definition of Sin.

If this sounds like you want to get started, why not now?  Pray to the Holy Spirit that you want to learn to walk  in His ways step by step and say that you will follow Jesus.  He is never out of reach and if you stumble, or if you fall He will pull you through.

Think of God's wondrous deeds; He stilled the storm with a whisper and when you cry out in despair, He will bring you out of your distress.  God is neither an impersonal nor a static thing.  He is a dynamic pulsating activity--the great fountain of energy and beauty spurting up in the very center of reality.  The Lord longs to be gracious to you; to show you compassion, for He is a God of justice.

Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.  For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.  Take off the old self and put on the new which will be renewed in knowledge.  As God's chosen one, clothe yourself with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.  Forgive others as the Lord forgave you.  And above all these virtues, put on the love which binds them all together in perfect unity.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord.  It is the Christ Jesus you are serving, anyone who does wrong will be repaid for that wrong, and there is no favoritism.

Tell Jesus that you will follow Him and learn to walk in His ways.  You will discover the will of God in your life.  Come to Him and He will embrace you:  just as you are.  And follow Him all the days of your life.  Now you know:
"This is the Way; Walk in It".

Big Daddy Weave   Isaiah 30   Jeff Mullins   Psalm 107   TobyMac   DC Talk
MikesChair   CS Lewis   Colossians 3   Max Lucado   
Justin McDade's Blog "Heirs to the Promise" 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Alive in Christ

The bible says we should maintain justice and constantly do what is right.  Have we forgotten His promises and become watchers on the sideline afraid to get involved?  I think we have a new generation with courage to step up to the frontline, ready to reignite the passion.  We were made for so much more than to just sit by while others become warriors for Jesus.  God has awakened their hearts making their lives beautiful.

I believe we were made for so much more than we have been doing.  We should arise and ask for more.  We should realize we were made to be alive in Christ.  We were made to serve our mightyKing.  Do we believe His promises?

I'm afraid some of us have gone into a kind of hibernation, just going through the motions of meaningless prayer and groping through the bible without understanding.  But those who have seen the work of His hand will stand in awe of God.  Those who are wayward in spirit will gain understanding, and will accept instruction.  They will become courageous knowing they are alive in Christ.

My purpose is that you may become encouraged in heart and united in love, so that you may know that in Christ is hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.  Just how firm is your faith in Christ that you continue to live in Him and for Him?

You don't have to be afraid or timid for you have been given the fullness in Christ who is over every power an authority.  He forgave you of your sins and took that which was against you and nailed it to the cross.

So, are you going with this generation which is becoming warriors for Jesus, instead of watching on the sideline?  Jesus has equipped you, so begin with asking the Holy Spirit for the knowledge to know His will for your life, and do it.  You were born to be courageous.

After all, God is on your side, so it's your decision.  There is no reason to be afraid or discouraged for :

You have been made "Alive in Christ"!

Psalm 106   Luke 6   Casting Crowns   Colossians 2   Francesca Battestelli
Isaiah 29   Rich Mullins   Matthew West