Jesus said not to lay up treasures in this world, but to build your treasure chest in heaven. For where your treasures are, there is where your heart will be also. Earthly treasures will soon fade, but a treasure in heaven lasts forever. Study Matthew 6.
The fact is, if you love the world you cannot love God. (Matthew 6:24). It is impossible to serve two masters. By trying to love Him and the things of this world, you will eventually turn your eye away from the Lord. Look deep into the life of one who tries to serve both. What you will invariably find is that their minds are of this world.
They do not witness. Let the church folks handle that; its none of my business.
They do not pray in the morning. I'm too tired and don't need anything today.
They are not involved in the church. I am not interested, they don't need me.
They do not study the word of God. I prefer John Grisham books: easier to read.
They do not give money for the work of God. I've got an RV and TV to pay for.
They do not care for the poor and oppressed. Let the government do it.
They are not interested in the blood Jesus shed. Video games are bloodier.
They do not want to follow Jesus. Because they are not into self-denial.
The Bible says to seek first the kingdom of God. Most are more concerned about their own worldly castles. Fellowship with Jesus comes first and all else follows. If we have Christ we literally have all things. Jesus tells us to deny ourselves and follow Him. (Luke 9:23). In other words, deny the world and it's fading treasures.
One day we will meet Jesus face to face. I will cast my crowns at His feet and cry out praise to Him, and in my heart will glorify my Savior who suffered on a Roman cross just so I could be with Him eternally. We will reach out in love for each other.
Jesus may ask you why you never followed Him to the cross of forgiveness and redemption. Why you let Him hang there in suffering and shame as He died so that you might live. What did you spend your time doing on this earth? You will bow before Jesus and confess Him as Lord. The one you didn't have time for while you were:
"Living the Carefree Life".
What waits for you now is eternal punishment; suffering in the fire of hell. You chose it.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer William H. Clay Any one preaching Jesus and Him crucified.
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