It was explained to me that they were just charismatic and they did that to appear to be more holy than us. I kept my hands down until one morning in prayer, I was so lost in love for my Savior that my hands and eyes were lifted up and I was worshiping Jesus. Since then, when I feel it, I do it. But some only do that at times when there are others involved. That's all right, the Lord knows what's in our hearts, and I am not saying it is required by all. All have the choice of how they worship their King.
King David exclaimed in Psalms 28,"To You I call, O Lord my Rock. Hear my cry for mercy as I call to You for help, as I lift up my hands toward Your Most Holy Place. Praise be to the lord, for He has heard my cry for mercy. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to Him in song". Now that is worship!
How about at night and you are alone? Psalms 134 says,"Praise the Lord all ye servants who minister by night in the house of the Lord. Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the Lord".
You might add quickly that I have been quoting only Psalms and it is poetry in the Old Testament. Oh, you think your Theology has got me now. Well, who would you say is the Theologian in the Bible who wrote more on worship and church order? You are right, it is the Apostle Paul. Read Philippians a time or two to remind your self; especially chapter 4,"Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice".
"I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing". Sound like Paul? Well, it is him all right; explaining to his beloved Timothy about church order in his first letter to him; chapter 2:8.
No one taught me about lifting up my hands in praise and worship; no one that is except God in His magnificent grace, working through my faith and trust in His Son, allowed the Holy Spirit to minister to me through the Word. Isn't it amazing? I did not even know what was going on, but God did. How beautiful, the body of Christ, and because of His outrageous love for me:
"I Lift Up My Hands",
and worship my Savior.
King David Jeremy Riddle Twila Paris Paul of Tarsus And Me
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